Daniel Strüber


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I am an associate professor in software engineering in the joint Interaction Design and Software Engineering Division of Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. I am also affiliated with the Department of Software Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.
With my research, I aim to support software developers during the construction and analysis of complex software systems.
Much of my work is in model-driven engineering. I develop model-based languages, tools, and techniques to assure software quality, to manage variability, to establish privacy and security, to support collaborative development, and to explore search spaces.
I investigate AI engineering, with a focus on establishing software engineering methods, principles and techniques for machine-learning-enabled software systems.
I conduct empirical, formal, and engineering research to understand the challenges faced by developers, develop improved solutions and study their usability and performance benefits. Application domains of my work include robotics, web-based systems, and IDEs.


September 2024. I'm co-editing a JSS special issue on Trends in Systems and Software Product Line Engineering - consider submitting! Submissions due in January 2025.

June 2024. Paper accepted at SEAA on an investigation of DSL development projects on GitHub.

May 2024. Paper accepted in TSE on effective and seamless variability management.

April 2024. Paper accepted in JSS on grammar transformation in software language evolution contexts.

February 2024. I have an open PhD project on software engineering for machine learning systems. If you're interested, submit an application addressing the vacancy description (topic IDSE02) by April 15.

January 2024. Paper accepted in EMSE on an empirical study on machine learning experiment management tools.

November 2023. I will be a program co-chair of SPLC 2024, the premier conference for systems and software product lines. I also joined the program committee of ICSE 2025.

September 2023. I received a distinguished reviewer award for my work in the program committee of SPLC 2023.

September 2023. Paper accepted at SLE on an metamodel-grammar co-evolution.

August 2023. Papers accepted at MODELS educators symposium on complexity in modeling education, and at the MDE Intelligence workshop on encodings for model-driven optimization.

June 2023. Paper accepted at MODELS on an empirical study of manual abstraction.

May 2023. Papers accepted in JSS on benchmark generation for software product line techniques, and at ICGT on effect-oriented graph transformation.


since 2024 Sweden Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Associate Professor
2021-2024 Sweden Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Senior Lecturer
since 2020 Netherlands Radboud University Nijmegen. Assistant Professor
2018-2020 Sweden Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Post-doc
08-11/2019 United Kingdom King's College London. Research visit
2016-2018 Germany University of Koblenz and Landau. Post-doc
2011-2016 Germany Philipps University Marburg. Doctoral researcher. Graduated summa cum laude - with highest honors.
2005-2011 Germany Philipps University Marburg. Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent). Graduated with distinction.

A full CV is available.


PhD students
Vladislav Indykov (as main supervisor, since 2023)
Weixing Zhang (as main supervisor, since 2023)
Lars van Arragon (co-supervised with Jan Tretmans, since 2021)
Ricardo Caldas (co-supervised with Thorsten Berger and Patrizio Pelliccione, since 2022)

Former supervisions
Shayan Ahmadian (as Ph.D. student; co-supervised with Jan Jürjens; 2016-2020, thesis)
Qusai Ramadan (as Ph.D. student; co-supervised with Jan Jürjens; 2016-2020, thesis)
Dennis Priefer (as Ph.D. student; co-supervised with Gabriele Taentzer and Peter Kneisel; 2017-2021, thesis)
Samuel Idowu (as Ph.D. student; co-supervised with Thorsten Berger, 2020-23, thesis)
Diego Damasceno (as post-doc, 2020-23)


2024   SPLC (Program Co-Chair Research Track)
2022   ICGT (Program Co-Chair)
2019   MiSE (Co-Organizer)
2018   MODELS (Publication Co-Chair)
2017   STAF (Web Chair)

2025   ICSE (PC)
2024   SEAA (PC), GPCE (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC)
2023   ASE (PC), FASE (PC), SPLC (PC), GPCE (PC), SEAA (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC), DeMeSSA (PC)
2022   ASE (PC), MODELS (PC), FASE (PC), SPLC (PC), GPCE (PC), SEAA (PC), MODELS Workshops (PC), VM4MT (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC), DeMeSSA (PC)
2021   MODELS (PC), FASE (PC), SPLC (PC), GPCE (PC), SLE (PC), SEAA (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC), VM4MT (PC)
2020   MODELS (PC), SPLC (PC), QUATIC (PC), SEAA (PC), SE Workshops (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC), AMMoRe (PC)
2019   SPLC (PC), ICMT (PC), ICGT (PC), SEAA (PC), BX (PC), FlexMDE (PC), MDE Intelligence (PC),
2018   SEAA (PC), Modellierung tutorials (PC), SICHERHEIT (PC), MOMA3N (PC), FlexMDE (PC), AMMoRe (PC)
2017   MODELS (AEC), SLE (AEC), FlexMDE (PC), BigMDE (PC), GaM (PC), BX (PC), CoCoS (PC), GTSN (PC)
2016   SLE (AEC), FlexMDE (PC), BigMDE (PC)

Journal reviewer
Transactions on Software Engineering TSE
Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology TOSEM
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering T-ASE
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling SoSyM
Journal of Systems and Software JSS
Empirical Software Engineering ESE
Science of Computer Programming SCP
Formal Aspects of Computing FAOC
Information and Software Technology IST
Journal of Object Technology JOT
PeerJ Computer Science PeerJ
Robotics Robotics



2022-2024   VR Open Call Grant: SEMLA: Software Engineering for Machine Learning - Integrated Approach (following an evaluation to take on the project after the passing of the former PI, Ivica Crnkovic)
2019   DFG Individual Fellowship: EUphORia: End-User oriented Optimization-Technology Recommender System (funding for a 24-month postdoc stipend)


2023   SPLC Distinguished Reviewer Award, ACM International Conference on Systems and Software Product Lines (SPLC)
2020   EASST Best Paper Award, International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT)
2020   Transformation Tool Contest Award: Most Comprehensible Solution
2020   SPLC Best Reviewer Award, ACM International Conference on Systems and Software Product Lines (SPLC)
2019   SEKE Best Paper Award: 3rd Place, Int. Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)
2018   EASST Award Nominee, International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE)
2017   EATCS Best Paper Award, International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT)
2017   Transformation Tool Contest Awards: Most Understandable Solution, Most Complete Solution
2016   EAPLS Best Paper Award, International Conference on Model Transformations (ICMT)
2016   EASST Best Paper Award, International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT)
2016   SoSyM Best Paper Award, Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
2016   EASST Award Nominee, International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE)
2016   Transformation Tool Contest Award: Best Quality Solution


generated by bibbase.org
  2024 (4)
Virtual Platform: Effective and Seamless Variability Management for Software Systems. Wardah Mahmood, Gül Çalıklı, Daniel Strüber, Ralf Lämmel, Mukelabai, & Thorsten Berger. TSE'24: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2024. accepted
Virtual Platform: Effective and Seamless Variability Management for Software Systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Machine Learning Experiment Management Tools: A Mixed-Methods Empirical Study. Samuel Idowu, Osman, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. EMSE'24: Empirical Software Engineering, 29: 74–1. 2024.
Machine Learning Experiment Management Tools: A Mixed-Methods Empirical Study [link] paper   link   bibtex   10 downloads  
Supporting Meta-model-based Language Evolution and Rapid Prototyping with Automated Grammar Transformation. Weixing Zhang, Jörg Holtmann, Daniel Strüber, Regina Hebig, & Jan-Philipp Steghöfer. JSS'24: Journal of Systems and Software, 214: 112069. 2024.
Supporting Meta-model-based Language Evolution and Rapid Prototyping with Automated Grammar Transformation [link] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
Tales from 1002 Repositories: Development and Evolution of Xtext-based DSLs on GitHub. Weixing Zhang, & Daniel Strüber. In SEAA'24: Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2024. accepted
Tales from 1002 Repositories: Development and Evolution of Xtext-based DSLs on GitHub [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
  2023 (11)
Checking Security Compliance between Models and Code. Katja Tuma, Sven Peldszus, Daniel Strüber, Riccardo Scandariato, & Jan Jürjens. SoSyM'23: Software and Systems Modeling, 22(1): 273–296. 2023.
Checking Security Compliance between Models and Code [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
We're Not Gonna Break It! Consistency-Preserving Operators for Efficient Product Line Configuration. Jose Miguel Horcas, Daniel Strüber, Alexandru Burdusel, Jabier Martinez, & Steffen Zschaler. TSE'23: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(3): 1102–1117. 2023.
We're Not Gonna Break It! Consistency-Preserving Operators for Efficient Product Line Configuration [link] paper   link   bibtex   7 downloads  
Asset Management in Machine Learning: State-of-research and State-of-practice. Samuel Idowu, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. CSUR'23: ACM Computing Surveys, 55(7): 1–33. 2023.
Asset Management in Machine Learning: State-of-research and State-of-practice [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Software Variability in Service Robotics. Sergio Garcıa, Daniel Strüber, Davide Brugali, Alessandro Di Fava, Patrizio Pelliccione, & Thorsten Berger. EMSE'23: Empirical Software Engineering, 55(7): 144–1. 2023.
Software Variability in Service Robotics [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
A benchmark generator framework for evolving variant-rich software. Christoph Derks, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. JSS'23: Journal of Systems and Software, 203: 111736:1–16. 2023.
A benchmark generator framework for evolving variant-rich software [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Finding the Right Way to Rome: Effect-oriented Graph Transformations,. Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, & Steffen Zschaler. In ICGT'23: International Conference on Graph Transformation, pages 43–63, 2023.
Finding the Right Way to Rome: Effect-oriented Graph Transformations, [link] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Manual Abstraction in the Wild: A Multiple-Case Study on OSS Systems' Class Diagrams and Implementations. Wenli Zhang, Weixing Zhang, Daniel Strüber, & Regina Hebig. In MODELS'23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 36–46, 2023. IEEE
Manual Abstraction in the Wild: A Multiple-Case Study on OSS Systems' Class Diagrams and Implementations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   25 downloads  
The complexity paradox: An analysis of modeling education through the lens of complexity science. Daniel Strüber. In MODELS'23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. Educators' Symposium, pages 94–97, 2023. IEEE
The complexity paradox: An analysis of modeling education through the lens of complexity science [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
Model-Driven Optimization: Towards Performance-Enhancing Low-Level Encodings. Lars van Arragon, Carlos Diego N Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. In MODELS'23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. Workshop on Artifical Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering, pages 571–579, 2023. IEEE
Model-Driven Optimization: Towards Performance-Enhancing Low-Level Encodings [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Automated Extraction of Grammar Optimization Rule Configurations for Metamodel-Grammar Co-evolution. Weixing Zhang, Regina Hebig, Daniel Strüber, & Jan-Philipp Steghöfer. In SLE'23: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, pages 84–96, 2023. ACM
Automated Extraction of Grammar Optimization Rule Configurations for Metamodel-Grammar Co-evolution [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
Software Variability in Service Robotics (Summary). Sergio Garcıa, Daniel Strüber, Davide Brugali, Alessandro Di Fava, Patrizio Pelliccione, & Thorsten Berger. In SPLC'23: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. Summary of our journal paper in Empirical Software Engineering, pages 268, 2023.
Software Variability in Service Robotics (Summary) [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
  2022 (12)
A Fine-grained Data Set and Analysis of Tangling in Bug Fixing Commits. Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Benjamin Ledel, Alireza Aghamohammadi, Taher Ahmed Ghaleb, Kuljit Kaur Chahal, Tim Bossenmaier, Bhaveet Nagaria, Philip Makedonski, Matin Nili Ahmadabadi, & others. EMSE'22: Empirical Software Engineering, 27: 125–1. 2022.
A Fine-grained Data Set and Analysis of Tangling in Bug Fixing Commits [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Sustaining and Improving Graduated Graph Consistency: A Static Analysis of Graph Transformations. Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, & Steffen Zschaler. SCP'22: Science of Computer Programming, 214: 102729–1. 2022.
Sustaining and Improving Graduated Graph Consistency: A Static Analysis of Graph Transformations [pdf]-paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Effects of Variability in Models: A Family of Experiments. Wardah Mahmood, Daniel Strüber, Anthony Anjorin, & Thorsten Berger. EMSE'22: Empirical Software Engineering, 27: 71–1. 2022.
Effects of Variability in Models: A Family of Experiments [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
On the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Experiment Management Tools. Samuel Idowu, Osman, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. In ICSE-SEIP'22: International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice Track, pages 207–208, 2022.
On the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Experiment Management Tools [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
EMMM: A Unified Meta-Model for Tracking Machine Learning Experiments. Samuel Idowu, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. In SEAA'22: Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, pages 48–55, 2022.
EMMM: A Unified Meta-Model for Tracking Machine Learning Experiments [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   5 downloads  
Model-Driven Optimization: Generating Smart Mutation Operators for Multi-Objective Problems. Niels Harten, Carlos Diego N Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. In SEAA'22: Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, pages 390–397, 2022.
Model-Driven Optimization: Generating Smart Mutation Operators for Multi-Objective Problems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Graph Transformation: 15th International Conference, ICGT 2022, Held as Part of STAF 2022, Nantes, France, July 7–8, 2022, Proceedings. Nicolas Behr, & Daniel Strüber. Volume 13349 Springer Nature, 2022.
Graph Transformation: 15th International Conference, ICGT 2022, Held as Part of STAF 2022, Nantes, France, July 7–8, 2022, Proceedings [link] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Acapulco: An extensible tool for identifying optimal and consistent feature model configurations. Jabier Martinez, Daniel Strüber, Jose Miguel Horcas, Alex Burdusel, & Steffen Zschaler. In SPLC'22: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, pages 50–53, 2022.
Acapulco: An extensible tool for identifying optimal and consistent feature model configurations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
A Lightweight Approach for Model Checking Variability-Based Graph Transformations. Mitchell Albers, Carlos Diego N Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. In GCM'22: International Workshop on Graph Computation Models, pages 53–69, 2022.
A Lightweight Approach for Model Checking Variability-Based Graph Transformations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
A Tool for Analysing Higher-Order Feature Interactions in Preprocessor Annotations in C and C++ Projects. David Korsman, Carlos Diego N Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. In SPLC'22: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, pages 70–73, 2022.
A Tool for Analysing Higher-Order Feature Interactions in Preprocessor Annotations in C and C++ Projects [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Family-Based Fingerprint Analysis: A Position Paper. Carlos Diego Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed Automata to Model Learning: Essays Dedicated to Frits Vaandrager on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday,137–150. 2022.
Family-Based Fingerprint Analysis: A Position Paper [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Seamless Variability Management With the Virtual Platform (Summary). Wardah Mahmood, Daniel Strüber, Thorsten Berger, Ralf Lämmel, & Mukelabai. In SE'2022: Fachtagung Software Engineering, pages 69–70, 2022. Gesellschaft für Informatik eV
Seamless Variability Management With the Virtual Platform (Summary) [link] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
  2021 (8)
Applying MDD in the content management system domain. Dennis Priefer, Wolf Rost, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, & Peter Kneisel. Software and Systems Modeling, 20: 1919–1943. 2021.
Applying MDD in the content management system domain [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Seamless Variability Management With the Virtual Platform. Wardah Mahmood, Daniel Strüber, Thorsten Berger, Ralf Lämmel, & Mukelabai. In ICSE'21: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 1658–1670, 2021.
Seamless Variability Management With the Virtual Platform [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   14 downloads  
Asset Management in Machine Learning: A Survey. Samuel Idowu, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. In ICSE'21: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Practice Track (SEIP), pages 51–60, 2021.
Asset Management in Machine Learning: A Survey [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   6 downloads  
Quality Guidelines for Research Artifacts in Model-Driven Engineering. Carlos Diego Damasceno, & Daniel Strüber. In MODELS'21: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 56–66, 2021. IEEE
Quality Guidelines for Research Artifacts in Model-Driven Engineering [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Towards Multi-Criteria Prioritization of Best Practices in Research Artifact Sharing. Carlos Diego Damasceno, Isotilia Costa Melo, & Daniel Strüber. In Open-ScienSE 2021: Workshop on Open Science Practices for Software Engineering, 2021. SBC
Towards Multi-Criteria Prioritization of Best Practices in Research Artifact Sharing [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
A Maturity Assessment Framework for Conversational AI Development Platforms. Johan Aronsson, Philip Lu, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. In SAC'21: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1724–1733, 2021.
A Maturity Assessment Framework for Conversational AI Development Platforms [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   6 downloads  
Robotics Software Engineering: A Perspective from the Service Robotics Domain (Summary). García, Sergio, Daniel Strüber, Davide Brugali, Thorsten Berger, & Patrizio Pelliccione. In SE'21: Software Engineering. Summary of our main track paper at ESEC/FSE'20, pages 41–42, 2021.
Robotics Software Engineering: A Perspective from the Service Robotics Domain (Summary) [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Variability representations in class models: an empirical assessment (Summary). Daniel Strüber, Anthony Anjorin, & Thorsten Berger. In SE'21: Software Engineering. Summary of our main track paper at MODELS'20, pages 103–104, 2021.
Variability representations in class models: an empirical assessment (Summary) [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2020 (8)
A semi-automated BPMN-based framework for detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization, and fairness requirements. Qusai Ramadan, Daniel Strüber, Mattia Salnitri, Jan Jürjens, Volker Riediger, & Steffen Staab. SoSyM'20: Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, 5(19): 1191–1227. 2020.
A semi-automated BPMN-based framework for detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization, and fairness requirements [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Graph Consistency as a Graduated Property: Consistency-Sustaining and-Improving Graph Transformations. Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, & Steffen Zschaler. In ICGT'20: International Conference on Graph Transformation, pages 239–256, 2020. Best Paper Award: Best Software Science Paper.
Graph Consistency as a Graduated Property: Consistency-Sustaining and-Improving Graph Transformations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Robotics Software Engineering: A Perspective from the Service Robotics Domain. García, Sergio, Daniel Strüber, Davide Brugali, Thorsten Berger, & Patrizio Pelliccione. In ESEC/FSE'20: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 593–604, 2020.
Robotics Software Engineering: A Perspective from the Service Robotics Domain [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Variability Representations in Class Models: An Empirical Assessment. Daniel Strüber, Anthony Anjorin, & Thorsten Berger. In MODELS'20: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 240–251, 2020.
Variability Representations in Class Models: An Empirical Assessment [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Feature-Oriented Defect Prediction. Stefan Strüder, Mukelabai, Daniel Strüber, & Thorsten Berger. In SPLC'20: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, 2020.
Feature-Oriented Defect Prediction [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   8 downloads  
Supporting Round-Trip Data Migration for Web APIs: A Henshin Solution. Daniel Strüber. In TTC'20: Transformation Tool Contest, 2020. Most Comprehensible Solution Award.
Supporting Round-Trip Data Migration for Web APIs: A Henshin Solution [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Secure Data-Flow Compliance Checks between Models and Code based on Automated Mappings (Summary). Sven Peldszus, Katja Tuma, Daniel Strüber, Jan Jürjens, & Riccardo Scandariato. In SE'20: Software Engineering. Summary of our main track paper at MODELS'19, pages 51–52, 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Secure Data-Flow Compliance Checks between Models and Code based on Automated Mappings (Summary) [link] paper   link   bibtex  
Searching for optimal models: Comparing two encoding approaches. Stefan John, Alexandru Burdusel, Robert Bill, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Steffen Zschaler, & Manuel Wimmer. In SE'20: Software Engineering. Summary of our ICMT'19 paper, pages 101-103, 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Searching for optimal models: Comparing two encoding approaches [link] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2019 (16)
Model clone detection for rule-based model transformation languages. Daniel Strüber, Vlad Acrețoaie, & Jennifer Plöger. SoSyM'19: Journal of Software & Systems Modeling, 18(2): 995–1016. 2019.
Model clone detection for rule-based model transformation languages [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Granularity of conflicts and dependencies in graph transformation systems: A two-dimensional approach. Leen Lambers, Kristopher Born, Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. JLAMP'19: Journal of logical and algebraic methods in programming, 103: 105–129. 2019.
Granularity of conflicts and dependencies in graph transformation systems: A two-dimensional approach [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Variability Modeling of Service Robots: Experiences and Challenges. García, Sergio, Daniel Strüber, Davide Brugali, Alessandro Di Fava, Philipp Schillinger, Patrizio Pelliccione, & Thorsten Berger. In VaMoS'19: International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, pages 8, 2019. ACM
Variability Modeling of Service Robots: Experiences and Challenges [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Privacy-enhanced system design modeling based on privacy features. Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Daniel Strüber, & Jan Jürjens. In SAC'19: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1492–1499, 2019. ACM
Privacy-enhanced system design modeling based on privacy features [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities using Clone Detection and Community Knowledge. Fabien Patrick Viertel, Wasja Brunotte, Daniel Strüber, & Kurt Schneider. In SEKE'19: International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019. Best Paper Award: Third Place (out of 203 submissions)
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities using Clone Detection and Community Knowledge [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Searching for optimal models: Comparing two encoding approaches. Stefan John, Alexandru Burdusel, Robert Bill, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Steffen Zschaler, & Manuel Wimmer. In JOT'19: Journal of Object Technology, volume 18, pages 6–1, 2019.
Searching for optimal models: Comparing two encoding approaches [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Facing the truth: benchmarking the techniques for the evolution of variant-rich systems. Daniel Strüber, Mukelabai, Jacob Krüger, Stefan Fischer, Lukas Linsbauer, Jabier Martinez, & Thorsten Berger. In SPLC'19: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, pages 26–1, 2019. ACM
Facing the truth: benchmarking the techniques for the evolution of variant-rich systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   8 downloads  
Secure Data-Flow Compliance Checks between Models and Code based on Automated Mappings. Sven Peldszus, Katja Tuma, Daniel Strüber, Jan Jürjens, & Riccardo Scandariato. In MODELS'19: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 23–33, 2019. IEEE
Secure Data-Flow Compliance Checks between Models and Code based on Automated Mappings [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Applying MDD in the Content Management System Domain: Scenarios and Empirical Assessment. Dennis Priefer, Peter Kneisel, Wolf Rost, Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. In MODELS'19: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 56–66, 2019. IEEE
Applying MDD in the Content Management System Domain: Scenarios and Empirical Assessment [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Exploring conflict reasons for graph transformation systems. Leen Lambers, Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. In ICGT'19: International Conference on Graph Transformation 2019, pages 75–92, 2019. Springer
Exploring conflict reasons for graph transformation systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation (Summary). Leen Lambers, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Kristopher Born, & Jevgenij Huebert. In SE/SWM'19: Software Engineering and Software Management 2019. Summary of our ICSE'18 paper, pages 153–154, 2019. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation (Summary) [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Explaining Algorithmic Decisions with respect to Fairness. Qusai Ramadan, Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Jan Jürjens, Steffen Staab, & Daniel Strüber. In SE/SWM'19: Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, Track on Explainable Software, pages 161–162, 2019. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Explaining Algorithmic Decisions with respect to Fairness [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
A framework for semi-automated co-evolution of security knowledge and system models (Summary). Jens Bürger, Daniel Strüber, Stefan Gärtner, Thomas Ruhroth, Jan Jürjens, & Kurt Schneider. In SE/SWM'19: Software Engineering and Software Management 2019. Summary of our journal paper in JSS, pages 179–180, 2019. Gesellschaft für Informatik
A framework for semi-automated co-evolution of security knowledge and system models (Summary) [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Dagstuhl 19191: Workflow Group. Don Batory, Danilo Beuche, Paulo Borba, Paul Grünbacher, Jacob Krüger, Ralf Lämmel, Lukas Linsbauer, Sarah Nadi, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Sandro Schulze, & others. In Dagstuhl seminar report: Software Evolution in Time and Space: Unifying Version and Variability Management, pages 25, 2019.
Dagstuhl 19191: Workflow Group [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Message from the MiSE 2019 Workshop Organizers. Marsha Chechik, Daniel Strüber, & Dániel Varró. In MISE@ICSE'19: Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering, 2019.
Message from the MiSE 2019 Workshop Organizers [link] paper   link   bibtex  
Maintaining Security in Software Evolution. Jan Jürjens, Kurt Schneider, Jens Bürger, Fabien Patrick Viertel, Daniel Strüber, Michael Goedicke, Ralf Reussner, Robert Heinrich, Emre Taşpolatoğlu, Marco Konersmann, & others. In Managed Software Evolution, pages 207–253. Springer, 2019.
Maintaining Security in Software Evolution [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2018 (16)
Variability-based model transformation: formal foundation and application. Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Thorsten Arendt, Marsha Chechik, Gabriele Taentzer, & Jennifer Plöger. FAC'18: Formal Aspects of Computing, 30(1): 133–162. 2018.
Variability-based model transformation: formal foundation and application [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
VMTL: a language for end-user model transformation. Vlad Acrețoaie, Harald Störrle, & Daniel Strüber. SoSyM'18: Software & Systems Modeling, 17(4): 1139–1167. 2018. Best Paper Award.
VMTL: a language for end-user model transformation [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation. Leen Lambers, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Kristopher Born, & Jevgenij Huebert. In ICSE'18: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 716–727, 2018. ACM
Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Taming Multi-Variability of Software Product Line Transformations. Daniel Strüber, Sven Peldszus, & Jan Jürjens. In FASE'18: International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 337–355, 2018. Springer Best Paper Nominee.
Taming Multi-Variability of Software Product Line Transformations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Supporting Privacy Impact Assessment by Model-Based Privacy Analysis. Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Daniel Strüber, Volker Riediger, & Jan Jürjens. In SAC'18: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1467–1474, 2018.
Supporting Privacy Impact Assessment by Model-Based Privacy Analysis [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Extending model-based privacy analysis for the industrial data space by exploiting privacy level agreements. Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Jan Jürjens, & Daniel Strüber. In SAC'18: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 1142–1149, 2018. ACM
Extending model-based privacy analysis for the industrial data space by exploiting privacy level agreements [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
A framework for semi-automated co-evolution of security knowledge and system models. Jens Bürger, Daniel Strüber, Stefan Gärtner, Thomas Ruhroth, Jan Jürjens, & Kurt Schneider. JSS'18: Journal of Systems and Software, 139: 142–160. 2018.
A framework for semi-automated co-evolution of security knowledge and system models [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
MDEoptimiser: a search based model engineering tool. Alexandru Burdusel, Steffen Zschaler, & Daniel Strüber. In MODELS'18: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, pages 12–16, 2018. ACM
MDEoptimiser: a search based model engineering tool [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Model-based security analysis of feature-oriented software product lines. Sven Peldszus, Daniel Strüber, & Jan Jürjens. In GPCE'18: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, pages 93–106, 2018. ACM
Model-based security analysis of feature-oriented software product lines [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Detecting Conflicts between Data-Minimization and Security Requirements in Business Process Models. Qusai Ramadan, Daniel Strüber, Mattia Salnitri, Volker Riediger, & Jan Jürjens. In ECMFA 2018: European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, pages 179–198, 2018. Springer
Detecting Conflicts between Data-Minimization and Security Requirements in Business Process Models [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Henshin: A Model Transformation Language and its Use for Search-Based Model Optimisation in MDEOptimiser. Daniel Strüber, Alexandru Burdusel, Stefan John, & Steffen Zschaler. In Modellierung'18: Fachtagung Modellierung, 2018. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Henshin: A Model Transformation Language and its Use for Search-Based Model Optimisation in MDEOptimiser [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Transformation of software product lines. Gabriele Taentzer, Rick Salay, Daniel Strüber, & Marsha Chechik. In Software Engineering und Software Management 2018. Summary of our main track paper at MODELS'17, pages 51–52, 2018. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Transformation of software product lines [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Integrating BPMN- and UML-based Security Engineering via Model Transformation. Qusai Ramadan, Mattia Salnitri, Daniel Strüber, Jan Jürjens, & Paolo Giorgini. In SE/SWM'18: Software Engineering und Software Management 2018. Summary of our main track paper at MODELS'17, pages 63–64, 2018. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Integrating BPMN- and UML-based Security Engineering via Model Transformation [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Clone Detection for Rule-Based Model Transformation Languages. Daniel Strüber, Vlad Acrețoaie, & Jennifer Plöger. In SE/SWM'18: Software Engineering und Software Management 2018. Summary of our journal paper in SoSyM, pages 111–112, 2018. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Clone Detection for Rule-Based Model Transformation Languages [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Model-based discrimination analysis: a position paper. Qusai Ramadan, Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Daniel Strüber, Jan Jürjens, & Steffen Staab. In FairWare'18: International Workshop on Software Fairness, pages 22–28, 2018. ACM
Model-based discrimination analysis: a position paper [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Initial conflicts and dependencies: critical pairs revisited. Leen Lambers, Kristopher Born, Fernando Orejas, Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. In Graph Transformation, Specifications, and Nets, pages 105–123. Springer, 2018.
Initial conflicts and dependencies: critical pairs revisited [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
  2017 (13)
Iterative Model-Driven Development of Software Extensions for Web Content Management Systems. Dennis Priefer, Peter Kneisel, & Daniel Strüber. In ECMFA'17: European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, pages 142–157, 2017. Springer
Iterative Model-Driven Development of Software Extensions for Web Content Management Systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Henshin: A usability-focused framework for EMF model transformation development. Daniel Strüber, Kristopher Born, Kanwal Daud Gill, Raffaela Groner, Timo Kehrer, Manuel Ohrndorf, & Matthias Tichy. In ICGT'17: International Conference on Graph Transformation, pages 196–208, 2017. Springer
Henshin: A usability-focused framework for EMF model transformation development [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Generating Efficient Mutation Operators for Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering. Daniel Strüber. In ICMT'17: International Conference on Model Transformations, pages 121–137, 2017. Springer
Generating Efficient Mutation Operators for Search-Based Model-Driven Engineering [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Model-based privacy analysis in industrial ecosystems. Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Daniel Strüber, Volker Riediger, & Jan Jürjens. In ECMFA'17: European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, pages 215–231, 2017. Springer
Model-based privacy analysis in industrial ecosystems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Differencing of Model Transformation Rules: Towards Versioning Support in the Development and Maintenance of Model Transformations. Timo Kehrer, Christopher Pietsch, & Daniel Strüber. In ICMT'17: International Conference on Model Transformations, pages 86–91, 2017. Springer
Differencing of Model Transformation Rules: Towards Versioning Support in the Development and Maintenance of Model Transformations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
RuleMerger: Automatic Construction of Variability-Based Model Transformation Rules. Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Thorsten Arendt, Marsha Chechik, Gabriele Taentzer, & Jennifer Plöger. In SE 2017: Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, pages 135–136, 2017. Springer
RuleMerger: Automatic Construction of Variability-Based Model Transformation Rules [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Transformations of Software Product Lines: A Generalizing Framework based on Category Theory. Gabriele Taentzer, Rick Salay, Daniel Strüber, & Marsha Chechik. In MODELS'17: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 101–111, 2017. IEEE
Transformations of Software Product Lines: A Generalizing Framework based on Category Theory [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
From Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification. Qusai Ramadan, Mattia Salnitri, Daniel Strüber, Jan Jürjens, & Paolo Giorgini. In MODELS'17: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pages 123–133, 2017. IEEE
From Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Granularity of conflicts and dependencies in graph transformation systems. Kristopher Born, Leen Lambers, Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. In ICGT'17: International Conference on Graph Transformation, pages 125–141, 2017. Springer Best Paper Award.
Granularity of conflicts and dependencies in graph transformation systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Detecting and Preventing Power Outages in a Smart Grid using eMoflon. Sven Peldszus, Jens Bürger, & Daniel Strüber. In TTC'17: Transformation Tool Contest, pages 19–23, 2017. CEUR-WS.org Most Understandable Solution Award.
Detecting and Preventing Power Outages in a Smart Grid using eMoflon [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
State Elimination as Model Transformation Problem. Sinem Getir, Duc Anh Vu, Francois Peverali, Daniel Strüber, & Timo Kehrer. In TTC'17: Transformation Tool Contest, pages 65–73, 2017. CEUR-WS.org
State Elimination as Model Transformation Problem [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Transformation of Finite State Automata to Regular Expressions Using Henshin. Daniel Strüber. In TTC'17: Transformation Tool Contest, pages 81–85, 2017. CEUR-WS.org Most Complete Solution Award.
Transformation of Finite State Automata to Regular Expressions Using Henshin [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
A text-based visual notation for the unit testing of model-driven tools. Daniel Strüber, Felix Rieger, & Gabriele Taentzer. COMLAN'17: Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 49: 196–215. 2017.
A text-based visual notation for the unit testing of model-driven tools [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
  2016 (9)
RuleMerger: Automatic Construction of Variability-Based Model Transformation Rules. Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Thorsten Arendt, Marsha Chechik, Gabriele Taentzer, & Jennifer Plöger. In FASE'16: International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 122–140, 2016. Springer Best Paper Nominee.
RuleMerger: Automatic Construction of Variability-Based Model Transformation Rules [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Clone Detection for Graph-Based Model Transformation Languages. Daniel Strüber, Jennifer Plöger, & Vlad Acrețoaie. In ICMT'16: International Conference on Model Transformation, pages 191–206, 2016. Springer Best Paper Award.
Clone Detection for Graph-Based Model Transformation Languages [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
A tool environment for managing families of model transformation rules. Daniel Strüber, & Stefan Schulz. In ICGT'16: International Conference on Graph Transformation, pages 89–101, 2016. Springer Best Paper Award: Best Software Science Paper.
A tool environment for managing families of model transformation rules [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Perspectives of Model Transformation Reuse. Marsha Chechik, Michalis Famelis, Rick Salay, & Daniel Strüber. In iFM'16: International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, pages 28–44, 2016. Springer
Perspectives of Model Transformation Reuse [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Scalability of Model Transformations: Position Paper and Benchmark Set. Daniel Strüber, Timo Kehrer, Thorsten Arendt, Christopher Pietsch, & Dennis Reuling. In BigMDE'16: Workshop on Scalability in Model-Driven Engineering, pages 21–30, 2016. CEUR-WS.org
Scalability of Model Transformations: Position Paper and Benchmark Set [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Managing Model and Meta-Model Components with Export and Import Interfaces. Daniel Strüber, Stefan Jurack, Tim Schäfer, Stefan Schulz, & Gabriele Taentzer. In BigMDE'16: Workshop on Scalability in Model-Driven Engineering, pages 31–36, 2016. CEUR-WS.org
Managing Model and Meta-Model Components with Export and Import Interfaces [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Solving the Class Responsibility Assignment Case with Henshin and a Genetic Algorithm. Kristopher Born, Stefan Schulz, Daniel Strüber, & Stefan John. In TTC'16: Transformation Tool Contest, pages 45–54, 2016. CEUR-WS.org Best Quality Solution Award.
Solving the Class Responsibility Assignment Case with Henshin and a Genetic Algorithm [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Comparing reuse mechanisms for model transformation languages: Design for an empirical study. Daniel Strüber, & Anthony Anjorin. In HuFaMo'16: Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling, pages 27–32, 2016. CEUR-WS.org
Comparing reuse mechanisms for model transformation languages: Design for an empirical study [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Model-driven engineering in the large: refactoring techniques for models and model transformation systems. Daniel Strüber. Ph.D. Thesis, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2016.
Model-driven engineering in the large: refactoring techniques for models and model transformation systems [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   25 downloads  
  2015 (6)
A variability-based approach to reusable and efficient model transformations. Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Marsha Chechik, & Gabriele Taentzer. In FASE'15: International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 283–298, 2015. Springer
A variability-based approach to reusable and efficient model transformations [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Transparent model transformation: turning your favourite model editor into a transformation tool. Vlad Acrețoaie, Harald Störrle, & Daniel Strüber. In ICMT'15: International Conference on Model Transformations, pages 121–130, 2015. Springer
Transparent model transformation: turning your favourite model editor into a transformation tool [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Agile bottom-up development of domain-specific IDEs for model-driven development. Steffen Vaupel, Daniel Strüber, Felix Rieger, & Gabriele Taentzer. In FlexMDE'15: Workshop on Flexible Model Driven Engineering, pages 12–21, 2015. CEUR-WS.org
Agile bottom-up development of domain-specific IDEs for model-driven development [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
MUTANT: Model-Driven Unit Testing using ASCII-art as Notational Text. Daniel Strüber, Felix Rieger, & Gabriele Taentzer. In FlexMDE'15: Workshop on Flexible Model-Driven Engineering, pages 2–11, 2015. CEUR-WS.org
MUTANT: Model-Driven Unit Testing using ASCII-art as Notational Text [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
An Adaptable Tool Environment for High-level Differencing of Textual Models. Timo Kehrer, Christopher Pietsch, Udo Kelter, Daniel Strüber, & Steffen Vaupel. In OCL'15: International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling, pages 62–72, 2015. CEUR-WS.org
An Adaptable Tool Environment for High-level Differencing of Textual Models [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Starting Model Development in Distributed Teams with Incremental Model Splitting. Daniel Strüber, & Gabriele Taentzer. In SE/SWM'15: Multikonferenz Software Engineering und Management. Summary of our papers at FASE'13 and FASE'14, pages 97–98, 2015. Gesellschaft für Informatik
Starting Model Development in Distributed Teams with Incremental Model Splitting [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2014 (2)
Splitting models using information retrieval and model crawling techniques. Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Gabriele Taentzer, & Marsha Chechik. In FASE'14: International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 47–62, 2014. Springer
Splitting models using information retrieval and model crawling techniques [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Tool Support for Model Splitting using Information Retrieval and Model Crawling Techniques. Daniel Strüber, Michael Lukaszczyk, & Gabriele Taentzer. In BigMDE'14: Workshop on Scalability in Model Driven Engineering, pages 44–47, 2014. CEUR-WS.org
Tool Support for Model Splitting using Information Retrieval and Model Crawling Techniques [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
  2013 (2)
Towards a distributed modeling process based on composite models. Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Stefan Jurack, & Tim Schäfer. In FASE'13: International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 6–20, 2013. Springer
Towards a distributed modeling process based on composite models [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  
Tool support for clustering large meta-models. Daniel Strüber, Matthias Selter, & Gabriele Taentzer. In BigMDE'13: Workshop on Scalability in Model Driven Engineering, pages 7:1–7:4, 2013. ACM
Tool support for clustering large meta-models [pdf] paper   link   bibtex  


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At Chalmers | University of Gothenburg

Course: DIT822 Software Engineering for AI-Systems B.Sc., 7,5 ECTS (winter term, 2022-24)
Course: DIT826 Software Engineering for Data-Intensive AI Applications B.Sc., 15 ECTS (winter term, 2021-2024)
Course: DIT185 Software Analysis and Design B.Sc., 7,5 ECTS (spring term, 2022-23)

At Radboud University

Course: NWI-IMC059 Software Product Lines M.Sc., 6 ECTS (winter term, 2020-2022, 2024)
Course: NWI-IBI001 Software Engineering B.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; summer term, 2020-2021)
Course: NWI-IMC021 System Development Management M.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; summer term, 2020-2021)
Course: NWI-IMI004 Software Development Entrepreneurship M.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; winter term 2020)
Three of these courses (NWI-IBI001, NWI-IMC021, NWI-IMI004) were held in the context of GiPHouse, a student-run company developing software for real customers.

Thesis supervision

Thesis topics: List of open thesis topics

M.Sc. thesis: David Korsman
M.Sc. thesis: Bob Ruiken
M.Sc. thesis: Engin Kirmiziyüz
M.Sc. thesis: Mitchell Albers
M.Sc. thesis: Lars van Arragon
M.Sc. thesis: Claudio Aguilar Aguilar, Jimmy Andersson
M.Sc. thesis: Erik Tran
M.Sc. thesis: Wei Guo, Wenjie Jiang
M.Sc. thesis: Erik Eriksson, Joel Olausson
M.Sc. thesis: Albin Karlsson Landgren, Philip Johnsen
B.Sc. thesis: Johann Tammen
B.Sc. thesis: Mohammad Nablo, Jakob Roseke
B.Sc. thesis: Richard Novenius, Felix Mertala
B.Sc. thesis: Navya Pulikandla, Maheli Silva
B.Sc. thesis: Victor Campanello, Shariq Shahbaz
B.Sc. thesis: Khaled Al-baadani, Jennifer Hälgh
B.Sc. thesis: Niels van Harten
B.Sc. thesis: Steven Maarse

Previous institutions

As main instructor

Lecture: Software product lines (summer 2016, 2017, 2018)
Seminar: Software engineering and security (summer 2018)

As co-instructor

Lecture: Software quality and testing (summer 2019)
Lecture: Software quality (summer 2012, 2013, 2015)
Lecture: Introduction to software engineering (winter 2013, 2014, 2015)
Lecture: Model-driven software development (winter 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
Project course: Software lab for undergraduate students (summer 2012, 2013, 2015)


Personal interests. My favorite hobby is music. I play the acoustic guitar, bass, and piano. At University Marburg, I was part of the "Band der Informatik", a band assembled for the goodbye party of former dean Prof. Dr. Sommer. During my doctoral studies, I used to organize a bi-weekly jam session at Café Trauma.


E-Mail: danstru@chalmers.se
Phone number: available on request

Visiting address at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Campus Lindholmen
Jupiter building, 4th floor, Room 416
Lindholmspiren 5b
41756 Göteborg, Sweden
Find this address on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.

Mail address at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Daniel Strüber
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
41296 Göteborg, Sweden

Visiting address at Radboud University
Faculty of Science
Mercator I building, 1st floor, Room 1.01a
Toernooiveld 212
6525 EC Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Find this address on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.

Mail address at Radboud University
Daniel Strüber
Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands

© Daniel Strüber, 2024