I am an associate professor in software engineering in the joint Interaction Design and Software Engineering Division of Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
I am also affiliated with the Department of Software Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.
With my research,
I aim to support software developers during the construction and analysis of complex software systems.
Much of my work is in model-driven engineering. I
develop model-based languages, tools, and techniques
to assure software quality,
to manage variability,
to establish privacy and security,
to support collaborative development,
to explore search spaces.
I investigate AI engineering, with a focus on establishing software engineering methods, principles and techniques for machine-learning-enabled software systems.
I conduct empirical, formal, and engineering research to understand the challenges faced by developers, develop improved solutions and study their usability and performance benefits.
Application domains of my work include robotics, web-based systems, and IDEs.
June 2024. Paper accepted at SEAA on an investigation of DSL development projects on GitHub.
May 2024. Paper accepted in TSE on effective and seamless variability management.
April 2024. Paper accepted in JSS on grammar transformation in software language evolution contexts.
February 2024. I have an open PhD project on software engineering for machine learning systems. If you're interested, submit an application addressing the vacancy description (topic IDSE02) by April 15.
January 2024. Paper accepted in EMSE on an empirical study on machine learning experiment management tools.
November 2023. I will be a program co-chair of SPLC 2024, the premier conference for systems and software product lines. I also joined the program committee of ICSE 2025.
September 2023. I received a distinguished reviewer award for my work in the program committee of SPLC 2023.
September 2023. Paper accepted at SLE on an metamodel-grammar co-evolution.
August 2023. Papers accepted at MODELS educators symposium on complexity in modeling education, and at the MDE Intelligence workshop on encodings for model-driven optimization.
June 2023. Paper accepted at MODELS on an empirical study of manual abstraction.
May 2023. Papers accepted in JSS on benchmark generation for software product line techniques, and at ICGT on effect-oriented graph transformation.
since 2024 | Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Associate Professor |
2021-2024 | Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Senior Lecturer |
since 2020 | Radboud University Nijmegen. Assistant Professor |
2018-2020 | Chalmers | University of Gothenburg. Post-doc |
08-11/2019 | King's College London. Research visit |
2016-2018 | University of Koblenz and Landau. Post-doc |
2011-2016 | Philipps University Marburg. Doctoral researcher. Graduated summa cum laude - with highest honors. |
2005-2011 | Philipps University Marburg. Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent). Graduated with distinction. |
2022-2024 VR Open Call Grant: SEMLA: Software Engineering for Machine Learning - Integrated Approach (following an evaluation to take on the project after the passing of the former PI, Ivica Crnkovic)Honors
2023 SPLC Distinguished Reviewer Award, ACM International Conference on Systems and Software Product Lines (SPLC)IEEE Copyright Notice
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At Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Course: DIT822 Software Engineering for AI-Systems B.Sc., 7,5 ECTS (winter term, 2022-24)
Course: DIT826 Software Engineering for Data-Intensive AI Applications B.Sc., 15 ECTS (winter term, 2021-2024)
Course: DIT185 Software Analysis and Design B.Sc., 7,5 ECTS (spring term, 2022-23)
At Radboud University
Course: NWI-IMC059 Software Product Lines M.Sc., 6 ECTS (winter term, 2020-2022, 2024)
Course: NWI-IBI001 Software Engineering B.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; summer term, 2020-2021)
Course: NWI-IMC021 System Development Management M.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; summer term, 2020-2021)
Course: NWI-IMI004 Software Development Entrepreneurship M.Sc., 6 ECTS (as co-instructor; winter term 2020)
Three of these courses (NWI-IBI001, NWI-IMC021, NWI-IMI004) were held in the context of GiPHouse, a student-run company developing software for real customers.
Thesis supervision
Thesis topics: List of open thesis topicsPrevious institutions
As main instructor
Lecture: Software product lines (summer 2016, 2017, 2018)
Seminar: Software engineering and security (summer 2018)
As co-instructor
Lecture: Software quality and testing (summer 2019)E-Mail: danstru@chalmers.se
Phone number: available on request
Visiting address at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Campus Lindholmen
Jupiter building, 4th floor, Room 416
Lindholmspiren 5b
41756 Göteborg, Sweden
Find this address on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.
Mail address at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Daniel Strüber
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
41296 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address at Radboud University
Faculty of Science
Mercator I building, 1st floor, Room 1.01a
Toernooiveld 212
6525 EC Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Find this address on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.
Mail address at Radboud University
Daniel Strüber
Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands